Nachruf auf Johannes Janßen 21.Juni 1951 -14.April 2024
Johannes 60.Geburtstag im Blauen Haus Afionas am...
Narayani is a singer and therapist who has been working and singing
with people since 1977. She has been singing in meditation and growth centers around the world. Her voice is a warm alto that has the quality to touch the heart.
She is the composer of a favourite of many a seeker world wide:
‘Home is where the heart is’
As a therapist she has 40 years of experience, individually as well as in groups. Focus in her work is on emotional healing (The Inner Child) and the discovery of one’s creativity and uniqueness.
‘To be content as a human being, the inner child needs to have the space to be, to feel and to play.’
Narayani im Mythos-Corfu
Heilen des Inneren Kindes:
Singen in der Stille:
bei Buchung von beiden Workshops ermäßigter Preis € xx.-
Für beide Workshops gibt es eine Einführung im offenen Programm
Narayani gibt auch Einzelsitzungen
Johannes 60.Geburtstag im Blauen Haus Afionas am...
ist ein wundervoller Sommer 2023, die 10. Mythos-Corfu...
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